Need help with your project?
Hire & support our network of artists.

We offer services in dramaturgy, production, portfolio-making, and marketing.

Schedule Your Session

Dramaturgy Consultation

in-person or virtual

Rates are based on the individual needs of the artist.

You may find in your creative process that you need someone— like a friend. A person to confide in where you explain all your current ideas, show samples of your past work and map out structures for a potential project. We’ll work on the composition of what you intend to do while also considering the performativity of the material. Together, we’ll take it all in and figure out the best approaches.

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Production Consultation

in-person or virtual

Rates are based on the individual needs of the artist.

Do you ever feel that you have something worth sharing, but have no place to share it? Or maybe you always wanted to present your work somewhere dreamy? We’ll start brainstorming strategies for you to make connections and gain longevity to that work you spent countless hours on. How does one residency or presentation multiply into several opportunities? We’ll start small and extend outward— even across oceans.

Schedule Your Session

Portfolio & Marketing Consultation

in-person or virtual

Rates are based on the individual needs of the artist.

Putting yourself out there is always tough. Writing your ideas down is harder than it seems and organizing a portfolio has its challenges too. We’ll work on anything from building a website, getting that resume to 1-page, writing that never-ending bio or finding the right work samples. As a team, we’ll use tools, expertise and good taste— to make you look your best!